Final Hour Showdown
VIEW FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN AWARD The VIEW Final Hour Showdown is set in the last hour of every competition. It is a celebration of dance where each registered dance studio will have the opportunity to present one group number. The judges will choose their favorite number based on entertainment value. The judges choose, what they feel, is the most entertaining routine. Let’s celebrate the art of dance!
At every VIEW Dance Challenge competition, every dance studio will have the opportunity to choose one competition group entry of any style, age category and classification to compete in the VIEW FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN. Studio owners and directors must submit the entry of choice no later than 1 week prior to the start of the VIEW Dance Challenge event. Winner of the VIEW Final Hour showdown is determined by the three adjudicators and is not based on score merit, but rather the judges choice. Winnings include trophy and credit voucher prize!
VIEW Dance Challenge strongly encourages dancers and parents to stay and support their fellow teammates in the VIEW FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN!
*Adult Routines, Advanced Routines, Production Numbers and Interpretive Jazz Solos are ineligible for selection.