The VIEW OVERALL Awards are awarded during the Red Carpet Gala
VIEW COMPETITIVE TOP STUDIO AWARD – A Dream vacation for two to the Caribbean!
This award will be awarded to the top scoring studio at the competition. The top 10 highest COMPETITIVE GROUP scores (Small Group, Large Group, Extended Line, Productions, Extended Time Categories) will be taken from each dance studio and combined for a possible score of 1000. A trip for two to the Caribbean will be awarded to the Top Scoring Studio Owner as well as a trophy and banner.
7-night all-inclusive luxury stay to a Caribbean destination. Round trip airfare from major international airport included. Travel must be made within 12 months of award. See Top Studio Award for further information.
VIEW RUNNER-UP TOP STUDIO – Studio Banner + Credit Award
VIEW 2ND RUNNER-UP TOP STUDIO – Studio Banner + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL COMPETITIVE HIGHEST MARK AWARD – This award is given to the highest scoring competitive routine of the weekend.
VIEW OVERALL SCORES – Highest Scoring routine in each Age Division (Petite, Mini, Junior, Intermediate, Pre-Teen, Teen, Senior, Advanced)
VIEW OVERALL SOLOIST AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any Age Division and Performance Style) – Trophy + Convention Scholarship + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL DUET AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division and category) – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL TRIO AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division and category) – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL SMALL GROUP AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division or category) – Trophy+ Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL LARGE GROUP AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division or category) – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL EXTENDED LINE AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division or category) – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL EXTENDED TIME AWARD – (Highest scoring extended time routine in any age division) All extended time routines are eligible for the Overall Extended Time Award. Routines in the extended time categories are not eligible for the Overall Small Group, Overall Large Group, or Overall Extended Line awards; they are only eligible for the Overall Extended Time award. – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL PRODUCTION AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any age division or category) – Trophy + Credit Award
VIEW FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN AWARD -The VIEW Final Hour Showdown is set in the last hour of every competition. It is a celebration of dance where each registered dance studio will have the opportunity to present one number. This is an “encore performance”. The judges will choose their favorite number. Let’s celebrate the art of dance! See FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN for details.
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (12 and under)– Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (13 and over) – Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD – Chosen by our adjudicators, this award is presented to an entry demonstrating outstanding choreography
VIEW COSTUME AWARD – Chosen by our adjudicators, this award is presented to an entry demonstrating an outstanding costume.
VIEW STUDIO SPIRIT AWARD – Chosen by the VDC Staff, this award is given to the studio who has demonstrated not only the most spirit throughout the weekend but the kindness and respect to their dance peers.
VIEW PRE- COMPETITIVE TOP STUDIO AWARD – The top 10 highest PRE-COMPETITIVE GROUP scores (Small Group, Large Group, Extended Line, Productions) will be taken from each dance studio and combined for a possible score of 1000. The Top Scoring Studio Owner will win a Trophy + Banner + Credit Award.
VIEW PRE-COMPETITIVE FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN AWARD -(EXCLUSIVE TO NATIONALS EVENTS ) The VIEW Final Hour Showdown is a celebration of dance where each registered dance studio will have the opportunity to present one PRE COMPETITIVE GROUP routine. This is an “encore performance”. The judges will choose their favourite number. Let’s celebrate the art of dance! . – Studio Banner + Credit Award
*PLEASE NOTE* there must be three or more studios participating in the PRE-COMPETITIVE FINAL HOUR SHOWDOWN in order for it to take place.
VIEW TOP SOLOIST AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any Age Division and Performance Style) – Trophy + Convention Scholarship + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL PRE-COMPETITIVE HIGHEST MARK AWARD – This award is given to the highest scoring pre-competitive routine of the weekend
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (12 and under)– Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (13 and over) – Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD – Chosen by our adjudicators, this award is presented to an entry demonstrating outstanding choreography.
VIEW TOP SOLOIST AWARD (Highest scoring routine in any Age Division and Performance Style) > Trophy + Convention Scholarship + Credit Award
VIEW OVERALL NOVICE HIGHEST MARK AWARD – This award is given to the highest scoring novice routine of the weekend.
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (12 and under)– Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW MOST POTENTIAL AWARD (13 and over) – Award given to a dancer selected by the adjudicators who has demonstrated immense potential throughout the weekend.
VIEW CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD – Chosen by our adjudicators, this award is presented to an entry demonstrating outstanding choreography.
*All monetary awards will be posted to the winning studio account.